Saturday, September 27

Oregon Trip

We recently spent several days in Oregon visiting family & friends. Traveling with two (under 2!) is a bit more...more. Everyone flew relatively well and we managed to only have one child crying at a time on each flight :)


We saw Dustin's family for a few days and had lots of fun. The grands and great-grands spent hours of quality time with S&P.

Seth had MANY motorized vehicles to choose from, Paige had more snuggles than ever, I worked on a puzzle and Dustin lost $4.28 playing rummy. He isn't very lucky :(

Seth snoopervising the construction of his teepee & playing in its tunnel

Aunt Jamie & Uncle Matt

We had dinner with Brian & Roxie and Seth liked watching their doggie but spoke a definitive 'no' when we took him too close. Our last day was spent with Chris, Tanya & Finn...and lots of yummy food :)

Seth & Finn

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