Sunday, November 16

those speedy cows

You know in Winnie the Pooh movies, when the seasons are changing and the days just fall off the calendar and are swept away with the wind?  Yeah, it feels like that right now.  October?  What happened to September???  What!!  It's the middle of November?!  

So these are from several weeks ago.  The big three went to a corn maze and had lots of fun (Noah went to physical therapy with my dad and also had lots of fun).  They had this cow train - those barrels all hooked together and pulled by a mower that little people adore - it was crazy.  The cows were hitched to a tractor and it flew.  That thing went so fast that they required riders wear protective goggles.  Eye wear, for a train ride!  You can see in the before photo that Adam's starting to wonder what's up (finger in the mouth screams "What's going on?!").

He was super excited going in and understandably terrified afterwards.

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